Suche in
Lozano-Blasco, Raquel: Mira-Aladren, Marta: Gil-Lamata, Mercedes: Social media influence on young people and children: Analysis on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. [2023]
Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
García-Marín, Javier: Serrano-Contreras, Ignacio-Jesus: (Un)founded fear towards the algorithm: YouTube recommendations and polarisation. [2023]
Ofcom - Office of Communications, London (Hrsg.): Children's media lives 2023. A report for Ofcom. [2023]
Alqahtani, Saeed Ibrahim: Yafooz, Wael M. S.: Alsaeedi, Abdullah: Syed, Liyakathunisa: Alluhaibi, Reyadh: Children's safety on YouTube: A systematic review. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine: Gloeckler, Stephan: Kheredmand, Hediye: Rathgeb, Thomas: Jugend, Information, Medien. Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2022. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine (Mitarb.): Rathgeb, Thomas (Mitarb.): Kheredmand, Hediye (Mitarb.): Gloeckler, Stephan (Mitarb.): KIM-Studie 2022. Kindheit, Internet, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2023]
Hilty, Donald M.: Stubbe, Dorothy: MacKean, Alastair J.: Hoffman, Pamela E.: Zalpuri, Isheeta: u.a.: A scoping review of social media in child, adolescents and young adults: research findings in depression, anxiety and other clinical challenges. [2023]
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